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Getting Ready TO start Going to Have to Fence in a Acre to start off with to build Tiny Home that will become the Guest house down the road.Have to Admit it will be tight with th 5of use but i am willing to try it!

Some may ask why do i bother fencing ! Good Question to that I say Frelling Open range laws in AZ. See this document for more info

SO anyways hers is what i have so far for Phase 1
Phase One
Build Fence Around Initial Acre
1a. Set H braces 4 corner & 2 for 16’ gate
1a-1. Tools Needed
1 x Auger 255.95
1 x Tamper 39.99
1 x American FarmWorks In-Line Strainer Handle 7.99
1 x GreatNeck 18 Inch Bolt Cutters 20.99
TOTAL FOR TOOLS 324.92 Plus Tax
1a-2. Supplies Needed
13 x Treated Wood Post, 6/7 x 8 ft. 17.99
10 x Treated Wood Post, 4/5 x 8 ft. 9.99
10 x Clip Wire Strainer, Inline 5.99
1b. Install T posts
1c-1. Tools Needed
1x Yardgard 16LB 9" Galvanized Fence Post Driver 36.73
TOTAL FOR TOOLS 36.73 Plus Tax
1a-2. Supplies Needed
52 x Studded T-Post, 6 ft 3.89 = 202.28
1c. Stretch Barbed Wire
1c-1. Tools Needed
1 x Dewalt Fence Tool 22.99
1 x Dutton-Lainson Fence Stretcher 43.27
1 x Zareba Wire Twisting Tool 2.99
1 x Clip Bender 16.99
TOTAL FOR TOOLS 86.24 Plus Tax
1a-2. Supplies Needed
3 x Bekaert Barbed Wire 14 ga. 2 pt 59.99 = 179.97
1 x Bekaert Panel Staples Double Barbed 2.5 in 21.99
3 x Chicago Heights Steel T-Post Clips 4.99 = 14.97
52 x Fence Stay 36 in. .79 = 41.09

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On A side note

Been Running way behind but here is latest form Us Geeks.

Long Break

OK back going into the kitchen tonight to make red onions in to a sweet yummy canable relish type thing. Recipe will follow in next day or 2 . In the meantime please look at Out YouTube Channel and let us know what you think there.

Busy day today

Canning Chili,Apple Butter,Making granola to Vacuum seal. I will try to make YouTube videos for each Channel here. My day is getting fun

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