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Quail down to laying 2 eggs a day

Quail down to laying 2 eggs a day .
My laying hens are about 10 months old and are just laying 2 a day between all 10 of them. Wondering if this is normal!

I am keeping a constant light cycle via timer and daylight leds.
Same routine everyday with water changing bedding every 2 days .
Water always available, oyster shell mixed in food as grit and extra calcium. I can not seem to find reason in my book learning for reason way.
This are my first batch of laying hens .

So I'm asking my fellow homesteaders out there for advice ?

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On A side note

Been Running way behind but here is latest form Us Geeks.

Long Break

OK back going into the kitchen tonight to make red onions in to a sweet yummy canable relish type thing. Recipe will follow in next day or 2 . In the meantime please look at Out YouTube Channel and let us know what you think there.

Busy day today

Canning Chili,Apple Butter,Making granola to Vacuum seal. I will try to make YouTube videos for each Channel here. My day is getting fun

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